Board Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2024



Hickman County Library Board Meeting

July 11th, 2024


Chairman Brian Graham called the meeting to order. The following members were present:  Cindy Chessor, Ashley Barnhill, Brian Crist, and Barbara Mayberry.  Also present were Marion Bryant, Summer Boyd, Ashley Jones and Mina Dressler (Librarian)

Minutes of the May meeting were approved with a motion by Brian Crist and a second by Barbara Mayberry.

The financial report was reviewed. Utilities line on budget was increased by $2500.  A motion for approval was made by Ashley Barnhill with a second by Brian Crist.

The librarian’s report was presented for both Centerville and East Hickman’s location.  Summer Reading Program started June 1st. Story Hour Programs have drawn a large crowd with Tennessee State Parks, Mr. Rich and TWRA. Ashley Jones’s Tween and Teen programming is going very well. Teen program is teaching life skills.

Marion Bryant gave Regional Librarian’s Report.   Trustee workshop is September 19, 2024. Other training dates are still being planned.

Report of Committees

  • Building and Grounds- Planning to make more landscaping improvements this fall. Sidewalk was pressure washed by volunteer. Bathroom repair at East location scheduled for after Summer Reading program ends.

New Business

  • Reviewed Personnel, Circulation, Confidentiality and Social Media Policies with no changes. Inclement Weather policy was reviewed and line stating “In most cases, the decision for the library to close, delay opening, or close early will be made by the County Mayor and/or EMA Director” was removed. Motion by Brian Crist with a second by Barbra Mayberry.
  • Certificate of Deposits were reviewed and a motion to move the Pearl Flick Fund, Charlie Thompson Fund and Mary Stanfill Fund to the 7 month special at Heritage Bank and Trust was made by Brian Crist with a second by Cindy Chessor. Library Director Mina Dressler has authority to move all three CD’s to the 7 month special.                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Brian Graham led acknowledgment speech for Ashley Jones recognizing all the hard work and effort she has put towards the tween and teen programming at the East branch.

Motion for next meeting to be September 12th, 2024 at 5pm was made by Barbara Mayberry with a second by Brian Crist.  

 Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Cindy Chessor with a second by Ashley Barnhill.