
Policies and Rules of the Hickman County Library




  • To seek to identify community needs.
  • To provide free library service to every resident of the community.
  • To enrich personal lives and promote enlightened citizenship.
  • To encourage continuous self-education and serve the community as a center for reliable information.


  • Select, organize and make available necessary books, material and information sources
  • Provide guidance and assistance to borrowers
  • Initiate programs, exhibits, displays, book lists, etc.
  • Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations
  • Secure information beyond its own resources when needed
  • Cooperate with other libraries through interlibrary loan
  • Maintain a balance in services to various age groups
  • Cooperate with, but not perform, the functions of school or other institutional libraries
  • Provide service during hours which best meet the needs of the community
  • Provide service outlets located at points of maximum interest
  • Participate fully in the regional library program through services provided by Buffalo River Regional Library
  • Periodically review library service being offered


Selected Roles

  1. Popular materials library
  2. Independent learning center
  3. Preschooler’s door to learning

Mission Statement:

The Hickman County Public Library provides materials and services to help community residents obtain information for their personal educational and professional needs. Special emphasis is placed on popular recreational reading, self-help, hobbies and job related development. The library also encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and provides books and other materials from preschool to adulthood.







Registration requirements

  • All library patrons must complete a permanent library card application.
  • Proof of address is required when picking up your card and can be verified with a driver’s license or other document showing name and current address, for example; lease or purchase agreement, recent public utility bill, paycheck stub, checks from a local bank with imprinted address, insurance card, or voter registration card.
  • If Patron does not have proof of address, the library card will be mailed to the patron.
  • Borrower’s cards are free to in county or out of county residents. Replacement fee for a lost library card will be $1.
  • Application for children under 14 must be signed by a parent or guardian, who must either possess a current Hickman County Library card in good standing or show photo ID and proof of address.
  • Institutional cards will be issued to daycare centers, nursing homes, etc. with an application from that institution on letterhead of the organization stating acceptance of responsibility for borrowed materials.
  • Cards issued from the Centerville and East Hickman locations are honored at either library.


  • Books, CDs, Playaways and back issues of periodicals are checked out for 4 weeks and may be renewed for 4 more weeks provided the item has not been reserved by another patron.
  • Video cassettes and DVDs are checked out for 4 days and may be renewed once. There is a limit of 10 videos per patron each day.
  • Video cassettes may not be returned in the outdoor book drop. If videos are damaged, the patron must pay replacement costs and processing fee.
  • Reference books and current issues of periodicals do not circulate.
  • Library staff reserves the right to place high demand material on limited loan.
  • Special arrangements may be made, at the librarian’s discretion, for shut-in patrons, teachers, home schoolers, etc.
  • Books in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) include both Hickman County branches. Items may be requested for delivery to either location and MUST be returned to the same location at which they were checked out.
  • Patrons may request that an item be held for them. The patron will be notified by phone, e-mail, or postcard when the item is available. If the item is not claimed within five library days after notification, it will be given to the next patron on the reserve list or returned to general circulation.
  • Books, puppets, and other materials for use of staff with story hours and other special programs may be circulated to teachers and institutions at the discretion of the library staff. Use for programs within the library will take priority.
  • Patrons should make every effort to have their library cards at each visit. If a person forgets his or her library card, it is possible to borrow materials with photo identification.
  • Use of the library or its services may be denied for habitual misuse of loss of library materials, failure to return books or pay fines or destruction of library property or materials.
  • A borrower whose privileges have been revoked because of habitual misuse or overdue materials may, after one year apply in writing to the library board for reinstatement of privileges.

 Fees and Fines

  • 5 cents a day for books, CDs, and audio cassettes up to a maximum of $1 per item.
  • 25 cents a day for DVD and videocassettes.
  • No fines charged to institutional cards.
  • Borrowers are responsible for paying for lost or damaged materials. If the book is more than 5 years old and out of print, there will be a flat fee of $5. Exceptions may be made in circumstances such as fire, flood, etc., at director’s discretion.
  • The librarian has the authority to waive fines and other charges.
  • Replacement books may be accepted in lieu of money at the librarian’s discretion.
  • Persons with unpaid fines of more than $5 or overdue materials will not be permitted to check out additional library materials or use the computers. Materials may continue to be used in the library.
  • On occasion, a library patron reports to the library that an overdue notice has been sent in error, and the items have already been returned. This is referred to as a “claims returned” response. The library will accept a patron’s claimed returned response three times. Each instance will be noted in the patron’s account. After three (3) instances, the library will assume that there is a possibility of false reports of “claims returned”. The most recent “claims returned” items will be considered overdue on the patron’s account. The patron will be expected to return the items or reimburse the library for the lost materials according to the fee scheduled listed. Failure to pay for lost books will result in suspended library privileges until the account is settled.
  • Copies are 15 cents each, 20 cents for double sided copies for black and white and 25 cents each, 40 cents for double sided copies for color.
  • Faxes may be sent and received from the library’s fax number at a cost of $1 for up to 10 pages. Fifteen cents per page for any pages over 10.
  • Laminating costs $2 per 8 ½ x 11 or 8 ½ x 14 page, $2.50 per 11 x 17 page.

 Confidentiality of Library Records

  • The library board recognizes its circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific material to be confidential in nature. All librarians and library employees are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local laws relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative power.
  • The board shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.




The Hickman County Library System encourages the active enjoyment of the library. However, for this to occur, guidelines must be established which will promote the intended purpose/ use of the library. To ensure everyone’s comfort, safety, and access to library resources and facilities, inappropriate behavior is not allowed in the library. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Disturbance of other patrons, including use of cell phones for extended conversations.
  • Objectionable conduct in the public area of the library, such as
  • Loud talking or inappropriate noise
  • Running
  • Climbing on chairs and tables
  • Writing on furniture
  • Spinning or turning literature racks inappropriately
  • Littering
  • Eating and drinking in non-designated areas
  • Throwing things
  • Hitting and wrestling
  • Verbal abusiveness
  • Disrespectful language or insolence toward staff persons
  • Intoxication resulting from the use of alcohol or drugs
  • No pets (except service animals or animals residing at the library) are allowed in the library unless they are part of a special program held on the premises.


  • Patrons using inappropriate behavior will be given a warning by staff and then may be asked to leave.
  • Serious violations, which include behaviors that are absolutely unacceptable, do not require a warning, but can result in the loss of library privileges for as long as the director deems necessary.
  • In the cases in which a patron poses a clear danger to her/himself or others, deliberately violates the law, or refuses to leave the library after being asked to leave by staff, the police will be called to handle the situation.
  • In extreme cases where a patron is consistently disruptive every time he/she visits the library, the Director will bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Trustees who shall decide on any further action.
  • Patrons engaging in criminal activity as defined by Tennessee statutes will be reported to law enforcement authorities.
  • In the above cases, an Incident Report Form will be completed by the library staff for the Library Director.


Food and Beverage Use Policy

Snacks and beverages will be permitted in the Library under the following guidelines:

  • Beverages must be in hard-sided sealable containers and must be removed from the building when the patron leaves.
  • Tops must be on containers when not in use.
  • Patrons with beverages may read periodicals or books from the circulating collection.
  • “Library Use Only” items can NOT be used by anyone with a beverage.
  • Food and beverages cannot be anywhere within 5 feet of the computers.
  • Patrons who leave a mess will be prohibited from bringing food or drink into the building.


Policies Dealing with Children


Service to children is an important part of the Library’s mission. The Library is free and open to unaccompanied children who are independent enough to use the resources for recreation, information and education.

Parents should be aware, however, that the Library is a public building open to all individuals. It is not the Library staff’s function or purpose to provide supervision or to care for children while parents, guardians or caregivers are outside the Library. Staff will not monitor children leaving the Library. Children who are left unattended, or appear to be in the facilities without adult supervision, can be a cause of concern to the library. Issues of safety, liability, and responsibility motivate the library to address this potentially serious problem.

  • Children under the age of 8 should be accompanied by a parent or other responsible person 12 years or older. Parents or other adults accompanying minor children are responsible for those children in the library.
  • If a child under the age of 8 is left unaccompanied more than 1 hour and a parent/guardian cannot be found in the building, the staff should begin making appropriate phone contacts to locate a parent or guardian.
  • Children ages eight through 17 may use the library on their own. They are, however, expected to adhere to the same standards of conduct expected of adults. All Library users are required to respect library property and to act in a manner appropriate to the use and function of the Library. Children who do not use the Library appropriately or who require excessive staff attention or supervision will be informed of the rules. If inappropriate behavior continues, the child will be asked to leave the building and the parent, guardian, or caregiver will be contacted. If necessary, the police will be contacted.
  • If children are left in the library at closing time, staff should remain with the child until picked up. Staff should never drive a child home or to another location. If no one has arrived to pick up the child by fifteen minutes after closing, contact the Centerville Police Department. Staff should use their best judgment in determining whether or not to leave an older child or adult outside4 the library after closing. Staff should be aware of unattended children in the library at 30 minutes before closing. Ask the child about arrangements for pick-up (who, what time, telephone numbers, etc.). If there seems to be cause for concern, begin making appropriate phone contacts provided by the child at least 15 minutes before closing.
  • Staff members do not have any obligation to administer first aid to an injured unaccompanied child. In determining whether to administer first aid, guide actions by what seems to be a reasonable response under the circumstances, in the event of minor injuries such as cuts, sprains, etc., staff should consider administering only fundamental first aid within the scope of their background or training. For more serious injuries, staff should immediately contact medical personnel through 911.

Personal Property

  • The library is not responsible for users’ personal property. If a personal loss occurs, a staff member will assist the person in notifying the police of the loss.
  • Personal belongings at study table s and carrels may not obstruct aisles, walkways or seating for other patrons and may not be left unattended at any time.
  • Unattended personal property which is found in the library will be kept in Lost and Found for up to thirty days and then will be disposed of.



Library Hours


Hickman County Public Library

Monday:              10:30-7:00

Tuesday:                9:00-5:30

Wednesday            9:00-5:30

Thursday               9:00-5:30

Friday                   9:00-4:00

Saturday                9:00-2:00

Sunday                   Closed


East Hickman Public Library

Monday                 Closed

Tuesday               9:30-5:00

Wednesday          9:30-5:00

Thursday            11:00-7:00

Friday                   9:30-5:00

Saturday               9:00-2:00

Sunday                  Closed

  • At the discretion of the librarian, the library may be closed for inclement weather, or house may be altered. Library will be closed whenever other county government offices are closed for hazardous weather.


Library Closings

  • January 1
  • President’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Weekend (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
  • Christmas (3 days)
  • Special days such as local celebrations, etc., may be added to the holiday schedule at the librarian’s discretion.


Community Room

  • Use of the meeting room of the library is granted to community groups & organizations or private individuals whose aims are educational, cultural and/or for civic betterment. (Library activities will take priority when scheduling)
  • No attachments to the floors or walls are permitted without special authorization. Hooks are provided on the walls.
  • The fact that a group meets at the library in no way constitutes an endorsement of the group or its policies or beliefs.
  • No admission fee may be charged by a group at any meeting.
  • No smoking is allowed anywhere inside the library.
  • The person booking the room is responsible for damages.
  • The library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, materials or other items owned by a group & left them in the library.
  • Neither the name nor the address of the library may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.
  • No additional furniture of equipment other than that furnished by the library is to be used without approval, excluding projectors, video players, cassette players and the like.
  • Children’s groups using the room must comply with the above rules & must have one adult supervisor for each 10 children attending.
  • All personal belongings including waste & debris will be removed at the close of the meeting.
  • Due to Covid you must sweep the floor and wipe down tables and chairs with disinfecting wipes. There will be a caddy with cleaning supplies in the room.
  • There is no charge to non-profit organizations using the community room unless food is served. If food is served, the fee is $25. Other groups or persons will be charged $25 to use the community room whether food is served or not. If the kitchen is needed an additional $10 fee is charged.
  • During times the library is open and the community room is not in use, it may be used as a study room or collaborative space.

Exhibits and Displays

Library bulletin boards primarily inform the community about library services and resources. Since the Library also communicated information of community wide interest, notices from non-profit organizations, educational institutions, public utilities, and governmental agencies may be posted. The Library accepts materials for public distribution having a public information purpose from non-profit organizations, education institutions, public utilities, and governmental agencies.

The following general guidelines apply:

  • Approval for posting of materials must be obtained from the library director.
  • First preference is given to the promotion and display of library events.
  • Items left without approval will be discarded without notification after 5 days.
  • Posting of notices does not imply endorsement by the library.
  • The library reserves the right to make the final decision as to whether or not a give piece is to be displayed.


Exhibits from sources within the community may be allowed in the library. All exhibits considered for space within the library must support the mission of the library and not cause disruption of the regular flow of library work and service. Such exhibits will remain in place for not longer than four weeks, with set up and removal being the responsibility of the exhibitor. The library assumes no liability for extraordinary measure to insure its safety.

Services for People with Disabilities

The Hickman County Libraries offer the same services to patrons with disabilities as to all other segments of the population. In addition to those services, the library acts as facilitator between the patron and Services to the Blind and Physically Handicapped and welcomes service animals in the library.


Emergency Procedures

General Staff Guidelines

  1. Stay calm. Patron or fellow staff is dependent on you for help.
  2. Although many minor injuries can be handled by staff, do not hesitate to call for assistance (911) if needed.
  3. In life threatening situation, staff should begin assistance immediately.

Emergency Procedures


  1. In case of minor injury or illness, provide necessary assistance such as bandages, water, ice, etc. Use rubber/latex gloves with blood is present.
  2. In case of major injury or illness such as broken bones, unconsciousness, heart attack, seizure, call 911. Staff with first aid or CPR training should provide immediate assistance.
  3. Offer to notify family or friends if injured/ill person if he/she is taken to a hospital or needs assistance in returning home.
  4. In case of injury with potential county liability, report immediately to County Mayor at 729-2492.

Bomb Threat

  1. Keep the person on the telephone as long as possible and note any pertinent information such as voice, sex, location.
  2. Report to other staff members, who should immediately call 911 on another phone line.
  3. Evacuate the building and make sure everyone is at least 350 feet from the building.
  4. Follow directions of the police, and assist in searching the building if necessary.
  5. Do not permit re-entry until the building is declared safe.

Electrical Failure

  1. Check the circuit breakers to see if the trouble in internal.
  2. If circuit breakers are working, call Meriwether Lewis to report the problem.
  3. Evacuate areas of darkness as a safety precaution.
  4. Turn off all computers, copy machines, etc. Power surges can damage the equipment.


  1. Staff should determine extent and need for action.
  2. If necessary, call out for evacuation of the building and immediately call 911 to report fire.
  3. Employees closest to fire extinguishers may use the equipment on the fire unless the librarian in charge orders everyone to immediately evacuate the building.
  4. If more than one staff person is on duty, the person not calling 911 should check to make sure no one is in the back portion of the library and follow people from the building, making sure they are a safe distance from the building.
  5. If patrons have their own vehicles, allow them to leave and move staff vehicles away from the building.
  6. If there are unattended children, designate an adult to be in charge of the children until arrangements can be made for their pickup.
  7. Allow re-entry to the building only when the fire department approves.


Tornado/Severe Weather

When weather conditions are threatening, staff should monitor the local radio station or area TV stations, listen for tornado sirens, and keep an eye on outside weather.

  1. A tornado watch means that conditions are such that a tornado may develop. Upon learning of a watch in Hickman County, the librarian should alert all employees and monitor a news source for updates.
  2. A tornado warning means that a tornado has actually been sighted within the area. Upon learning of a warning in Hickman County, employees should inform persons using the library of the warning ad advise them to go with employees to safer areas of the library, away from the main room and the glass windows. The public restrooms, hallway to the community room are the first safe areas to be used, with the community room storage room and community room itself next.
  3. If it is impossible to reach shelter areas, employees should advise people using the library to quickly take shelter under tables away from windows and freestanding shelves, protecting the head as much as possible.


Orientations and Tours

  • Instruction and orientation for services provided by the library are an integral part of library service. Patrons will be given basic instruction in using the library catalog, online databases, the Internet, and answer basic word processing and computer questions.
  • Formal tours are offered to school groups, organizations, and other libraries.


Computer Equipment

Each computer in the library will be inventoried and evaluated each year with regard to its ability to process the resources accessed by that computer. Attention will be paid to new technology as it becomes available for those computers used in higher technological environments.

Areas of Use

  • Comprehensive Use Computers are high end network ready computers capable of performing an extensive variety of applications including multimedia and internet access. Such computers will be evaluated yearly and replacement set at three years.
  • Standard Office Use computers will be configured to run office type software as well as internet use and use with the automation software. Upgrades will be don as needed on these machines.
  • Automation Workstations used primarily for automation will not be upgraded unless needed and replacement components will be considered rather than replacement of the entire unit. On these workstations, office functions will not be emphasized.

As existing machines are replaced, their areas of use will be appropriately downgraded and they will then be relocated to less intensive use within the library.


Building Maintenance Inspection Procedures


Inspect floors

  • Vacuum, sweep and mop

Check Rest Rooms

  • Sweep and mop if needed
  • Clean sink and toilets

Check grounds

  • Pick up trash
  • Pick up cigarette butts near doors
  • Sweep off wheelchair ramp

Be aware of safety conditions


  • Empty wastebaskets
  • Dust shelves
  • Clean water fountain
  • Clean front door glass
  • Water plants
  • Check for burned out bulbs
  • Pull weeds and/or spray


  • A/C filters
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Maintenance supply inventory
  • Toilets working?
  • Sinks working?


  • Roof and gutters
  • Windows
  • Sidewalk
  • Door locks and keys


  • Parking lot
  • Directional signs




  • Service to the public receives priority over any other duties. Library users should be confident that the primary purpose of a librarian is to assist them.
  • The public is served on a first come, first serve basis. People calling the library are helped in sequence. Callers will be asked if they would like to wait, to call back, or to be called back before being put on hold. Patrons approaching the desk will be informed that they will be helped as soon as possible.

Incomplete Reference Transactions

Although every effort is made to complete questions immediately, some can remain at the end of a day. A patron will be advised if more than one day is needed to complete the question or if he question has been referred to another source. Staff members will consult with colleagues if they need assistance with difficult questions.


To give the most accurate and authoritative answers possible, staff members will avoid personal opinions, philosophy, or evaluations; rather they will rely upon information based on accurate printed or electronic sources. The source of the answer will always be cited. The opinion of staff members, even if requested, will not be given as fact.

Time Limits

The amount of time devoted to a question is at the discretion of the reference librarian.

In-Person Reference

  • Reference staff members will assist patrons at every level of the reference transaction, if the patron so desires.

- This may require accompanying the patron to the computer catalog to explain its use, or   physically locating the materials for the patron.

- In the event that the staff member is unable to accompany the patron to the stacks area, it is important to remind the patron to check back if the material cannot be located.

  • If a patron has a lengthy or complex request and other patrons need assistance, it may be necessary to begin the search process and ask the patron to check back later, in order to be sure the patron finds the information needed. If the librarian is not able to find an answer, consultation with other colleagues is appropriate. Additional staff can be summoned to help when several people are waiting for assistance.

Telephone Reference

Telephone reference will be handled in the same sequence and manner as in-person inquiries.

  • Item checks will be one to confirm that titles are on the shelf. The books are held at the circulation desk.
  • If the desk is busy or if multiple titles are requested, staff will offer to call the patron back when the titles are found.
  • If the answer to the question seems to involved to relate easily over the telephone, the librarian may suggest that the patron come to the library.

Fax, Mail, Electronic Requests

It is the library’s practice to response to all reasonable reference inquiries received by mail, fax or electronically. If the question involves significant research, the reference librarian may suggest that the patron visit the library for further assistance.


Specific Reference Question Guidelines

 School Assignments

  • Questions related to school assignments will be treated like any other request for reference assistance. Every effort will be made to satisfactorily answer a student’s questions and provide the sources for information and the instruction needed to use those sources.

Contest Questions

Contest questions will be approached with the same guidelines and time limits as any other type of reference question. The staff will not interpret contest rules.

Consumer Evaluations

  • The staff will help patrons locate objective consumer product information using online magazine databases, Consumer Reports Online, com, and
  • Short published consumer ratings will be read over the phone.
  • The staff does not offer personal opinions recommending one product over another.

Book, Antique and Art Appraisals

Patrons will be referred to appropriate reference sources, consultants, or experts. Staff members will never give a personal appraisal of the value of an object.

Genealogical and Local History Questions

  • Staff members will provide general assistance in genealogical research, and guidance in locating items in our Local Reference and Genealogy Collection.
  • Staff members can refer patrons to online genealogy resources, including Heritage Quest and com.
  • Genealogy search will not be done over the telephone. Patrons calling long distance will be requested to mail or email their request to the library. Research will be limited to residence verification and locating of obituaries when the death date is provided. Referrals to Hickman County Historical Society will be given when appropriate.

Compilations and Extensive Research

Requests for and/or completion of lengthy research are not considered a traditional role of the public librarian. Patrons needing extensive bibliographies, lists, statistics, or research will be directed to the appropriate resources and offered as much assistance as staff time allows.

Medical, Legal and Tax Questions

The library does not provide advice in the areas of medicine, law, and taxes.

Medical Questions

  • Information from authoritative sources such as the CDC, Tennessee Electronic Library, the Mayo Clinic, and WebMD will be used to find medical information for patrons. Brief information can be given over the telephone. Printouts of more extensive information can be mailed or emailed to patrons.

Legal Questions

  • Complicated legal searches will not be undertaken, nor will personal interpretations of legal matters be offered.
  • Referrals will be made to the and or to 1-888-alegalz.

Tax Forms

  • We stock basic Federal Tax Forms. If patrons request a form that we do not stock, we will print the appropriate form and instructions from the IRS.
  • If more information is required, the patron will be given contact information for the IRS.

Loan of Reference Materials

  • Reference books may be checked out at the discretion of the librarian on duty.
  • Staff will verify that the patron has a valid library card in good standing.




To fulfill its mission of providing materials & services to help community residents obtain information for their personal, educational, & professional needs, the Hickman County Public Library provides public access computers with internet as educational resources.

Public access computers are maintained by Tennessee State Library Network Services Consultants and Regional Technical Coordinators and their recommendations for setup, networks, equipment, software and programs are followed.


The library does not monitor & has no control over the information accessed through the Internet. Patrons should be aware that while the Internet offers many valuable sources of information, some information may be inaccurate, incomplete, dates or offensive to some individuals. Patrons must evaluate the validity & appropriateness of any information found there. Patrons are reminded that information needs may be satisfied through the library’s print sources. If the Internet is not available, the library’s reference collection may answer your questions.

Patrons must abide by the library’s Computer Use Policy, which is posted at the workstations. It is the patron’s responsibility to read & accept the current Acceptable Use Agreement. Failure to follow the rules will result in loss of privileges to use the computers. Patrons whose behavior or action at the stations constitutes a nuisance to others may be asked to end their session or leave the library.


Acceptable Use Agreement

  1. Computers with internet are available on a first come, first served basis for 1 hour only if other are waiting to use them. Word processing computers are available for 2 hours at a time. Computers with children’s games only are limited to 1 hour at a time. Printing may be done at 15 cents per page. Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material is prohibited.
  2. Users may not use their own software programs, including games, on library computers or download software from the Internet onto the hard drive. Patrons may download information onto their own device or purchase a device from library staff. Warning: although the Internet access computer is equipped with a virus scan, this will not completely protect you from the chance of getting a virus. The Hickman County Public Library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s device or computer that may occur from patron use of the library computers.
  3. Users may not change the configuration of the computer, software or alter any files. Destruction or damage of equipment due to willful misuse of willful removal of any part of the computer or software will result in expulsion from the library and legal action.
  4. The library will conform to all local, state & federal laws regarding access to materials harmful to minors (Tennessee code 49-1-221).
  5. All internet users should avoid disclosing personal information over the internet to preserve their personal safety. Library internet users are prohibited by law from disclosing, using or disseminating personal information regarding minors without written authorization of the parent or legal guardian of the minors.
  6. Engaging in any of the following activities is a violation of this policy: libeling or slandering others, uploading a worm, virus or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participating in hacking activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems.
  7. In accordance with the Tennessee Code Title 39, Chapter 17, part 9, sending receiving or displaying text or graphic that may be reasonably construed as obscene by community standards are prohibited, regardless of age.
  8. Internet users are prohibited from using library computers to compromise the safety & security of minors when using e-mail, chat rooms & other forms of direct electronic communications. Such use includes, but is not limited to: giving others private information about one’s self or others or arranging a face-to-face meeting with someone has met on the internet without a parent or legal guardian’s permission.
  9. Staff will assist patrons in using computers, but may not always be familiar with specific programs patrons wish to use, therefore, the patron is responsible for learning how to use the program. The patron is responsible for his/her Internet search. Staff cannot provide in-depth training in use of the Inter & Internet trained staff may not be able to help at all times.
  10. Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium & that Third Parties may be able to obtain information regarding a user’s activities.
  11. Staff may require children under 10 to have supervision for use of the computers and/or internet. Staff may not be available for help with games, word processing or other applications.
  12. The library is aware of and adheres to the CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) .


  1. Library computers are equipped with filters, which prevent users from reaching certain sites on the internet.


Wireless Internet Access:

Hickman County Library System provides free wireless access to anyone.

  • By choosing to use this free service, patrons agree to abide by the library’s Internet Use Policy. This policy states the limitations of internet access, responsibilities for using that access, and provides examples of acceptable and unacceptable use.
  • The library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your wireless device may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.
  • Library staff are not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be made that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
  • The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s wireless access.

Maintenance of Computers


Using Computer maintenance checklist:

  • Windows updates
  • Acrobat Reader
  • Java
  • CCleaner
  • Malwarebytes


  • Disk Defrag
  • Clean Tower





Volunteer Policy


The Board of Trustees recognizes that the service rendered by Volunteers is invaluable as they help the Library accomplish its mission of service to the community. Volunteers provide special assistance to the library Staff in the operation and programming of the Library by giving their time to short term projects or extended service. Though the Trustees encourage the staff to develop volunteer opportunities and to train volunteers in performing their duties, no work shift shall be solely dependent on volunteers for its daily operation. Volunteers are always under the supervision of paid Library Staff. (Because of their service to the community, the Board of Trustees seeks to publicly recognize the efforts of the Volunteers.)

Definition of a Volunteer

One who performs a service of his or her own free will; one who contributes time, energy and talents directly or on behalf of the library and is not paid by library funds. All Volunteers must be accepted by the library director prior to performances of assigned tasks.

Guidelines for Volunteers:

  • The Library Director serves as Volunteer Coordinator for the library. The Director may designate a staff member to oversee volunteer assignments.
  • Position begins immediately and is an ongoing position.
  • Volunteers will not be used to replace or reduce the number of paid staff.
  • Volunteers are recognized as contributors to the goals and services of the library.
  • Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of All library information.
  • The library will, upon request, provide letter of reference for the volunteer, if deemed appropriate.
  • Procedures and requirements for the volunteer will vary with age of volunteer.
  • Volunteers will not be expected to do anything staff would not do.

Possible Jobs:

  • Checking in books and videos.
  • Shelving and organizing shelf materials.
  • Mending books, DVDs and other materials as needed.
  • Working at special events.
  • Decorating for holidays or other events.
  • Helping with programming.
  • Organizing magazines.
  • Helping with fund raising activities.
  • Preparing materials for programs.
  • Clerical duties.

What are the age levels of volunteers? Who are the volunteers?

  • Adults
  • Young adults (grades7-12)
  • Retirees
  • Business and community leaders
  • Students
  • Community service
  • Friend and foundation members
  • Library users
  • Special populations
  • Current and former library staff members
  • People wanting to become involved



The Hickman County Library System welcomes opportunities for cooperative ventures with the business and professional community as well as civic, cultural, educational and governmental agencies when those ventures support programs, services, resources or facility enhancements that benefit the public.

  • Subject to the approval of the Library Board of Trustees or its designee, the HCLS may partner with other organizations or agencies to promote reading, literacy and other library services. The organization or agency may be recognized on library related materials, print and broadcast media or electronic postings in exchange for monetary support, materials support and public relations or other professional services.
  • The name and/or logo of the organization or agency may be used on materials or electronic postings generated for approved cooperative programs provided the HCLS name appears on all promotional materials, media releases or electronic postings generated by the organization or agency for the purpose of advertising the same program.
  • The agreement to cooperate will have a specific duration to be determined by the HCLS. At the end of the specified time period, the project will be reevaluated to determine if it should continue.
  • The HCLS shall retain control of the project and may withdraw from participation if any of the terms of the agreement are violated or changed without the HCLS consent or if, in the HCLS estimation, the project does not support the mission or image of the HCLS.
  • HCLS cooperation with other organizations or agencies does not necessarily indicate that the Library endorses the goods, services or philosophy of those organizations or agencies.
  • Substantial gifts, bequests or sponsorships may deserve special acknowledgement. These are subject to the terms of the Gift and Donor Recognition Policy.


Library Board

The Hickman County Library Board is established and maintained in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. Board members are recommended to and approved by the Hickman County Commission. Every effort should be made to make sure all areas of the county are represented and the board included members from various age groups, ethnic groups and economic backgrounds.

Responsibilities of the library board include:

  • To attend board meetings and see that accurate records are kept on file at the library.
  • To employ a competent and qualified librarian, establish job descriptions and personnel policies, making sure to observe all local, state and federal laws relating to employment practices.
  • To determine the purpose of the library and to adopt written policies to govern the operation and program of the library.
  • To determine the program and needs of the library in relation to the community and to develop and adopt a long-range plan for the library.
  • To secure adequate funds to carry on the program.
  • To assist in the preparation of the annual budget, approve the final document, and be prepared to present it to the local governing body.
  • To know local and state laws and to actively support library legislation in the state and nation.
  • To establish among the library policies those dealing with book and materials selection.
  • To attend regional, state, and national trustee meetings and workshops, and to affiliate with appropriate professional organizations.
  • To be aware of the services of the state library and the regional center.
  • To report regularly to the governing officials and the general public and to work with these officials to ensure that they understand the value of the library and support the services it provides.
Library Employees

Personnel Qualifications

  • The librarian should have a B.S. or B.A. degree with at least 18 quarter hours of library science
  • All employees should
  1. Have a good knowledge of books and people.
  2. Have a warm personality in dealing with all kinds of people.
  3. Be willing to follow advice and suggestions of library boards and regional librarian
  4. Be willing to participate in in-service training and other professional meetings
  5. Be physically and mentally able to perform the duties assigned.
  6. Recognizing that an employee’s value to the library is determined by factors other than age alone, there shall be no compulsory retirement age. Employees shall be reviewed annually and may be asked by the board to retire upon 30 days’ notice.
  • The board has the authority to waive the requirements above.
  • Staff providing current topics and titles service need to be knowledgeable about popular culture and literature. Staff will need to spend a significant amount of time keeping current with what’s in and what’s out. Staff members should have broad personal interests and should frequently read, view, and listen to the types of materials the public is demanding.

Personnel Duties

  • Make every effort to find what the patron wants in the library, in the community, from the regional library or other interlibrary loan sources.
  • Promote the interest of the library in every way possible.
  • Attend all regularly scheduled library board meetings.
  • Keep records accurately and compile reports promptly.
  • Enforce rules of the library as set down by the board.
  • See that the library is kept clean and orderly and opened on time.
  • Keep a check on borrowed materials. Overdue notices shall be given after material is late 2 weeks. Borrowers privileges shall be suspended after 6 months overdue.
  • Strive for good service and good relations with all borrowers.
  • Report in detail, in writing, at board meeting and such other times as ordered by the board chairman, a copy of which shall be made part of the minutes.
  • Keep complete financial records. Funds should be deposited twice weekly.
  • The Hickman County Public Library Procedures Manual is a part of these policies and may be found in the appendix.


Professional and Related Meetings

  • Time shall be granted librarians to attend professional and/or library related meetings. An approved substitute shall be paid by the board, if necessary. This time shall not be counted as annual leave.
  • The local board shall reimburse expenses incurred at library related meetings and travel expenses to those meetings when not otherwise reimbursed. Mileage will be paid at a rate determined by county government.
  • Compensatory time will be granted for attendance at professional meetings on regular days off.
  • The local board shall pay state associations dues for all full time librarians.


  • The work week will run from Thursday A.M. through Wednesday P.M. Employees and the library director will turn in time sheets on alternating Wednesdays. Paychecks are deposited on Wednesday morning.
  • One hour will be allowed for lunch.
  • Each employee will be entitled to 2 fifteen minute breaks each day.
  • Since no overtime may be paid to any library employee, use of flex time or compensatory time off will be allowed for extra hours worked.
  • If a holiday falls on a full time employee’s regular day off, employee is entitled to flex time or comp time.

Termination of Employment

  • By employer: Employees shall be reviewed annually and may be asked to retire upon 30 days notice.
  • By employer: Employees may be terminated for unsatisfactory job performance. Three warnings will be given (1 verbal and 2 written). Two weeks pay will be given in lieu of notice.
  • By employee: An employee desiring to resign shall normally be expected to give 2 weeks written notice to the library board.
  • Hickman County is an “at will” employer. The county recognizes the right of an employee to terminate his/her service with the county at his/her will. Likewise, the library board may terminate an employee for any reason other than discriminatory or illegal purposes.
  • Hickman County, Tennessee is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The county will hire, train, and promote the most qualified personal without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or non-job related handicap. The county will not discriminate on the basis of a person’s national origin or citizenship status with regard to recruitment, hiring, or discharge. However, the county will not knowingly employ a person who is an unauthorized alien.






  • Books and other materials will be accepted on the condition that the board/director has the authority to make whatever disposition they deem advisable. Gift books will be accepted using the same criteria by which other books are selected. Some gifts may not be able to be used to full advantage because they may be a duplicate of an item already in the library, they may be interesting but not of sufficient present value to be added to the collection, or they may be in poor condition which would not justify the expense of processing.
  • Gifts of money, real, property and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the board.
  • The library will not accept for deposit materials which are not outright gifts, although they may accept materials for temporary display or loan.






Material selection in all areas of the collection is made in view of variations in education, reading levels and interests in the community. The library attempts to present all sides of controversial issues so that the collection does not become biased toward or against one view. Material that is purely propaganda and that which zealously purports a single view, especially those that do not clearly state authorship, are not purchased. Religious material espousing specifically denomination views which are not of general interest are not purchased or accepted as gifts. Materials are not marked, labeled or sequestered to show approval, disapproval, or judgments as to suitability of content for a particular audience. Materials are not excluded, removed, proscribed, or suppressed because of their creator’s origin, background, or views, or because they represent a particular aspect of life, frankness of expression, or controversial subject matter.


Collection Policy

  1. The Hickman County Library Board holds final legal authority for setting all policies of the library. Responsibility for materials selection rests with the librarian, who works within the guideline approved by the board. Any book or material so selected will be held to be selected by the board.
  2. The library board recognizes the pluralistic nature of this community and the varied backgrounds and needs of its citizens. Therefore, selection of books and other materials will be made on the basis of value of interest, information and enlightenment of all people in the community. No book or other material will be excluded because of the race, nationality or the political or social views of the author. The collection should contain different positions and viewpoints on controversial questions, so our patrons may freely examine all sides and make his/her own decisions.
  3. The library strives to serve the community by providing quality materials and services to meet its educational, information and recreational needs as well as possible within the limitations of space and budget. Materials will be reviewed in view of community needs, material currently available, the library’s existing collection, and budget available. Collection development is tailored to the current and projected interests and needs of the community. The librarian will use his/her personal expertise in selecting materials, taking into consideration requests from the public. General criteria for materials are: significance of the information in a work, readability, popular appeal, reputation of author and publisher, and its potential short and long-term role in the collection. Selection aids play an important part in the selection process; listed below are the aids which are most frequently consulted:


      Library Journal

      School Library Journal

  1. The library aims to collect material of general interest, both fiction and non-fiction. No attempt is made to collect textbooks for support of school curriculum; however, textbooks may be acquired when they contain needed information not found elsewhere. It is not the library’s mission to provide an extensive collection of support materials for schools, but consideration will be given to backup material for school libraries where the budget allows. The library does not purchase or make available synopses such as Cliff’s Notes or Monarch Notes.
  2. In selecting fiction, the library will attempt to purchase works of current, popular and notable authors and best sellers in all genres. Purchase of fiction will be based primarily on demand and local interest. An attempt will be made to have on the shelves titles appearing most frequently on school reading lists, but it is impractical to keep all such titles or multiple copies of such titles.
  3. In selecting non-fiction, the following standards will be used: date of publication, cost, readability, suitability to community, timeliness or permanent value, reputation of publisher and author and need in the subject area. Most non-fiction is geared toward the general, non-specialist reader. More specialized requests will be filled by using interlibrary loan. The exception will be in the area of heavy use in the community, such as gardening, antiques, farming, etc.
  4. The same basic standards will apply to junior fiction and non-fiction as apply to adult fiction and non-fiction.
  5. All books selected for purchase by the Hickman County Public Library System, through the Regional Library System or otherwise, are reviewed by public library’s director before purchase, with the library director then sharing a list or lists of newly purchase materials with the library’s Board of Trustees.
  6. No funds received are used to purchase, nor will the library otherwise acquire, material that constitutes “child pornography”, is “pornographic for minors”, or is “obscene”;
  7. Books and materials that contain sexual themes or content are reviewed by the public library independently for age-appropriateness and cataloged accordingly—even if this overrides the age- appropriateness recommended by the publishers.
  8. Reference books are purchased and updated according to frequency of use and availability. See attached replacement schedule for major reference material.
  9. The same selection criteria is applied to gift materials as is applied to materials selected by the librarian. In addition to meeting standards of quality, gift materials must also be in satisfactory physical condition and not constitute an unnecessary addition or duplication. Gift materials are accepted with the understanding that the library may dispose of them in compliance with this selection policy. Gift materials and memorials are not accepted which carry the stipulation of being separately shelved or some similar restriction which limits the library’s use of the material. Gift materials may be discarded without notification to the donor. Receipts will be given for donations upon the donor’s request; however, gifts will not be appraised for income tax purposes.
  10. Suggestions for purchase from the public are welcome and will be given serious consideration within the limits of these policies.


In addition to books, the Hickman County Public Library maintains periodicals, videos, DVDs, CDs, microfilm and computer software suitable to the needs of the community.

  1. Audio visual materials are purchased as the budget allows. Audio/visual materials are chosen for their quality of presentation and the potential use of the material by the patron. DVDs purchased are mainly children’s titles, classics and information titles. No attempt will be made to stock the current blockbusters, unless they also fall into one of the above categories. Consideration will be given to purchases of award-winning movies, budget permitting.
  2. Periodicals are chosen for their accuracy, ease of use, demand, need in reference work and local interest. A listing in Readers Guide to Periodical Literature does not automatically guarantee purchase; however, that accessibility does play a part in the selection process. Newspapers are purchased for current coverage of local and national news. Most periodical titles can be covered by access to the Tennessee Electronic Library.
  3. The microfilm collection is composed of local history and newspaper back issues. Every attempt will be made, budget permitting, to purchase all available microfilmed county records and newspapers.
  4. Computer software is selected as the budget allows for use with the public access computer. The software is educational or of a practical use to patrons. Computer games which are purely entertainment are not purchased.
  5. The library attempts to collect all material containing information about local history and culture, in whatever forms they are available, as far as the budget permits. These materials normally do not circulate and are housed in the local history room for use of researchers. All genealogy material about Hickman County is purchased. We will also purchase most material about surrounding counties, budget permitting.
  6. Large print books and Audiobooks are provided to meet the need of the visually impaired. The library purchases large print books and audiobooks as budget permits. The library also refers handicapped patrons to the Tennessee Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, which provides direct service for their needs.


Materials Sources

  1. Materials purchased with local funds are normally ordered either through a publisher or a jobber, except in special cases such as local history, memorial books or paperbacks. Most books are purchases in hardcover with the best binding available.
  2. Materials purchased through the regional library system are sometimes restricted to certain formats, age groups or user focus.


Interlibrary Loan

  • Books not available in the local libraries may be ordered through interlibrary loan at no charge to patrons. The library will adhere to policies of the Tennessee State Library & Archives.
  • Limits: Patrons will be limited to 3 items requested at one time. The total amount could go up to 5 items depending on the type of materials and usage intended. For example: a school teacher could request up to 5 items when used for a class unit. When those items are returned by the patron, more items can be requested. There is no cap on the amount of items a person may request in the course of a fiscal year (July-June).
  • Circulation Period: The circulation period is set by the lending library. Renewals are up to the discretion of the lending library. If a renewal is requested by a patron, we will email the lending library and request an extension; then contact the patron with the answer.
  • Patrons will be contacted up to 2 times when an item is received at the library and contact dates will be noted in the patron record. If the item(s) is not picked up by the patron by the date due, the item will be returned. If a patron repeatedly orders items and fails to pick them up, staff may refuse to request additional items.



Weeding is a regular and ongoing process of removing obsolete, worn-out and duplicate materials which are no longer useful to the collection. As much care is practiced in weeding as is exercise in the selection process. The CREW method of weeding is used by librarians on a regular basis to make sure the collection is as up-to date as attractive as possible within budget limitations. Weeding will be built into the year’s schedule in such a manner that all areas of the collection will be weeded every three years. At the same time weeding is done, inventory will be taken by comparing the shelf list with the holdings. Books which are inaccurate, out of date, worn beyond repair and which are not circulating will be pulled, with a goal of weeding about 5% of the collection each year. Consideration will be given to replacement of titles that are worn or which have been superseded with a newer edition. Weeded books will be sold in the used book sale.


Library Material Challenge Policy

  1. The Hickman County Public Library has a procedure through which patrons may object to and/or request the removal of materials from the library. If the librarian cannot resolve a patron complaint, the patron will be offered an opportunity to fill out a removal request form. A copy of the removal request form is attached to these policies. The removal request form must be completed and returned to the library by the patron. Submitted removal request forms will be reviewed by the library board. The library selects materials for their overall value; the presence of objectionable passages must always be considered within the context of the work as a whole. Questioned materials will remain on the shelf during the inquiry. The library board believes that censorship is a purely individual matter and declares that, while anyone is free to reject for himself books of which he does not approve, he should not restrict the freedom of others to read what they want. It is the policy of the library that it is the parent only, who may restrict his children from access to library materials and services. Parents who wish to so restrict the reading or viewing of their own children, who are under the age of 18, should personally oversee their selections.
  2. The Hickman County Library Board adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement and the Freedom to View Statement adopted by the American Library Association, all of which are made a part of these policies.





Revised May, 2015 by Hickman County Library Board

Revised February, 2017 by Hickman County Library Board

Revised March, 2023 by Hickman County Library Board

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